Our second Fall 2023 ISWG session is coming up! Pop by on Zoom (see flyer) or in person (UPLA 105) on Friday, October 20, 2023, to discuss Indigenous Pedagogies with Dr. Kristin Arola (Anishinaabe). This discussion will address such topics as how, why, when, and where to include Indigenous knowledges, models, methods, and content in our teaching practices.

The Indigenous Studies Working Group (ISWG) is a community of scholars, activists, students, and community members who get together 6-8 times per semester to share ideas and offer feedback on each other’s work. The intention of ISWG is to establish an ongoing campus space where Indigenous scholars – and those who focus on Indigenous issues – can share ideas in an environment that truly recognizes Indigenous knowledge and its importance. Moreover, ISWG intends to be a non-competitive and dialogical space where Indigenous knowledge serves to decolonize the academy.

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