Sheila Contreras
An associate professor in the Department of English, Contreras directed the Chicano/Latino Studies Program at Michigan State University’s (MSU), including graduate and undergraduate degrees, from 2008-2015. From 2015-2017, she served as Associate Dean in the areas of Curriculum, Diversity and Inclusion in the College of Arts & Letters at MSU. Her research and teaching interests include Chican@/x and U.S. Latin@/x literary and cultural studies, comparative indigeneities, and women’s studies. Contreras’ book, Blood Lines: Myth, Indigenism and Chicana/o Literature, published by the University of Texas Press, examines a broad array of texts that have contributed to the formation of indigenous discourses in Chican@/x cultural politics. Her current research moves in two directions: one explores the relationship between Mexican-Americans and land through comparatist settler-colonialist contexts, and the other examines Latin@/x student success in higher education. A first-generation college student, Contreras began her journey to the PhD in the community college system of South Texas.
Email: sheilac@msu.edu
Phone: (517) 355-7570
Campus Address:
Wells Hall C614
619 Red Cedar Rd