Rocio Quispe-Agnoli
PROFESSOR – Romance and Classical Studies
Professor of Latin American Studies in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State University. She specializes in Indigenous writers and artists of the colonial period (1500-1800). Her books include “La fe andina en la escritura: identidad y resistencia en la obra de Guamán Poma de Ayala” (2006), “Durmiendo en el agua” (2008), and “Nobles de papel” (2016). She has edited four monographic issues on literature, visual, gender and women’s studies in “CIEHL” (Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2005, 2015), “Letras Femeninas” (2014), and on Guaman Poma de Ayala in “Letras” (2020). She has published over seventy articles and book chapters in her areas of expertise and her research has been supported by The Newberry Library, Lilly Library (Indiana University), New York Public Library, the Hispanic Society of America, Library of Congress en Washington DC, Archivo General de Indias and Archivo Histórico Nacional (Spain). She is the recipient of recognitions from MSU and the Peruvian community at large such as the 2012 Fintz Award for Teaching Excellence, the 2013 Successful Peruvian Woman in America granted by Peru’s Embassy in the USA, and the 2019 Inspirational Woman of the Year Award. She is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies (REGS in Spanish).
Website: rcs.msu.edu/people/rocio-quispe-agnoli/
Email: quispeag@msu.edu
Phone: 517-884-6315
Academia: RocíoQuispeAgnoli
Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd Room B355
East Lansing MI 48824 US