image of a person standing next to a poster that says 'indigenous people's day'


The Minor in American Indian and Indigenous Studies (AIIS) is available as an elective to students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University. The minor explores American Indian and Indigenous cultures and identities and the place of Indigenous peoples and knowledge, historically and today, as well as to pursue cross-cultural diversity. We draw on interdisciplinary research, teaching, and community engagement to examine complex concepts and to respond to them thoughtfully.

Students interested in humanities, social sciences, education, social work, government, public health, law, non-profit management, museums, and cultural or business organizations that serve diverse populations, will find the minor engaging.

To enroll in the American Indian & Indigenous Studies Minor, please contact Advisor Patricia Walters (

For questions about the minor, please contact

See our Summer and Fall 2025 offerings, visit:


The student must complete a minimum of 15 credits from the following 3 requirements:

1. Complete AIIS 201 :

3 Credits. Complete AIIS 201 | Introduction to American Indian & Indigenous Studies. Offered every Spring semester.

2. Complete 3 courses from two colleges :

9 Credits. Complete at least three courses from two colleges, including at least one course each from the College of Arts & Letters and the College of Social Science.

ENG 354 Readings in Native American Literature 3
HA 253 Native North American Art 3
HA 254 Latin American Art 3
LL 151 First-Year Less Commonly Taught Language I 4
LL 152 First-Year Less Commonly Taught Language II 4
LL 251 Second-Year Less Commonly Taught Language I 4
LL 252 Second-Year Less Commonly Taught Language II 4
REL 306 Native American Religions 3

LL 151, LL 152, LL 251, and LL 252 must be approved in advance by the program director to ensure appropriate content.

LL 151 and LL 152 may be used for this requirement only if they are not also being used to satisfy a college or departmental language requirement.

ANP 411 North American Indian Ethnography 3
ANP 432 American Indian Women 3
ANP 433 Contemporary American Indian Communities 3
ANP 452 North American Archaeology 3
HST 378 Native Americans in North American History to 1830 3
HST 379 Native Americans in North American History from 1830 3


Other courses may be used to satisfy this requirement with approval of the Director of the American Indian and Indigenous Studies program.

3. Complete one of the following, either A. or B. :

3 Credits. Complete either A) an approved Indigenous-focused internship OR  B) an approved Indigenous-focused independent study project.

Complete a 3-credit internship by enrollment in AIIS 493 American Indian and Indigenous Studies Internship.

Students will work on a semester project with or for a tribal community, with an off-reservation Indigenous organization, or engage in an approved activity in consultation with a supervising faculty member.

Complete a 3-credit independent study by enrollment in AIIS 490 Independent Study.

Students will complete a capstone project through directed readings, or research with a supervising faculty member.

Students enrolled in the minor may contact for help identifying relevant internships or independent study projects.


To enroll in the American Indian & Indigenous Studies Minor, please contact Advisor Patricia Walters (

For questions about the minor, please contact