Cristina Stanciu
Cristina Stanciu (2008-2009; Ph.D. 2011, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is an Assistant Professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University, where she teaches courses in US multi-ethnic and indigenous literatures. She is the co-editor of Laura Cornelius Kellogg: Our Democracy and the American Indian and Other Works (Syracuse UP, 2015, with Kristina Ackley). Her work has appeared in American Indian Quarterly, MELUS, Studies in American Indian Literatures, College English, Wicazo Sa Review, Intertexts, Film & History, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Beinecke Illuminated, and edited collections. Her current research has been supported recently by fellowships at the Newberry Library, the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, and an AAUW post-doctoral fellowship.