This is the current list of classes for Summer and Fall 2025 that we will count towards the AIIS Minor. If you happen to come across another class that has at least 1/3 AIIS related-content, let Kristin Arola know!

Summer 2025 

HST (History) 301: Indigenous-European Encounters in North America

IAH (Integrative Studies Arts & Hum) 201: (D) Tensions between Western Science and Indigenous Knowledge. 

IAH (Integrative Studies Arts & Hum) 203: Latin America and the World (I)

Fall 2025

AIIS (Amer Indian & Indigenous Stdy) 201: Introduction to American Indian and Indigenous Studies

AIIS 490 and 493 (Internship and Independent Study) By Arrangement, email Kristin Arola! 

ANP (Anthropology) 370: Culture, Health, and Illness

ANP (Anthropology) 410:Anthropology of Latin America

ANP  (Anthropology) 411: North American Indian Ethnography

HA (History of Art) 253: Native North American Arts

HST (History) 301:  Indigenous-European Encounters in North America

IAH 207.740: American Indians from Stereotype to Human Beings

IAH 211C.740: Images of Indians in Hollywood Films

LL 151  Section 001: Beginning Anishinaabemowin

LL 251 Section 001: Second Year Anishinaabemowin

REL (Religious Studies) 205:  Myth, Self, and Religion: Indigenous Perspectives on Story, Identity, and the Sacred