AIIS is excited to celebrate MSU Law students, Rory Wheeler and Robin Bilagody, for being selected as Law Student Advisors to the State Bar of Michigan American Indian Law Section (AILS)!
The American Indian Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan provides education, information, and analysis about issues of concern through meetings, seminars, public service programs, and publication of a newsletter.
Law students appointed by the Council will be provided the opportunity to advise the AILS Council on law student perspectives relevant for meeting discussion and are encouraged to engage with students, administration, and faculty at their respective law schools by promoting and disseminating available Section resources or learning opportunities; promote Section membership; participate in researching and/or writing of Section Amicus Curie briefs; and planning in and/or assisting with Section meeting or events.

Robin Bilagody (left) is a third-year student and is a citizen of the Gila River Indian Community of Arizona. She completed her undergraduate studies at Arizona State University with a B.S. in Public Service and Public Policy. Prior to attending law school, she worked in various areas within her tribe, including the Office of the Prosecutor, Judicial Department, and Tribal Gaming, and was a summer law clerk at the Native American Rights Fund. She also served as an Executive Board Member for the National Native American Law Students Association and attended the Pre-Law Summer Institute for American Indians and Alaska Natives (PLSI).
Rory Wheeler (right) is a second-year student and is a citizen of the Seneca Nation of New York. He previously served in government affairs, gaming, natural resources, and public safety/law enforcement for his Nation, and as a Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall policy/legal fellow to U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. He is president of MSU’s Native American Law Students Association and was recently named a Karen Hastie Williams Leadership Fellow with the District of Columbia Bar. He is a proud alum of Niagara University and the PLSI class of 2022.