AIIS, NAI, and NAISO are excited to announce that the incredible James Vukelich Kaagegaabaw will be making a special appearance at MSU for Native American Heritage Month! Please join us for his talk, “The Seven Generations and Grandfather Teachings,” on Thursday, November 16, from 4:30PM to 6:00PM in the Kellogg Auditorium (and don’t forget to bring your copy of his new book by the same title to get it signed). All are welcome!
James Vukelich Kaagegaabaw, a descendant of Turtle Mountain, is a renowned international speaker, author and digital creator who is known for his social media series, ‘Ojibwe Word of the Day.’ His keen insights were developed through speaking with and recording elders and native language speakers across North America as part of the Ojibwe Language Dictionary Project. James is a passionate advocate for sharing how to live a life of ‘mino-bimaadiziwin,’ the good life. He explores this in his new book The Seven Generations and The Seven Grandfather Teachings.